Week Beginning Monday 12th September 2022
Welcome back to school!
All of the teaching staff would like to take the opportunity to say thank you for the cards and gifts that we were given at the end of the Summer Term. They were very much appreciated.
We also want to welcome back our Year Fours and our new Year Three cohorts. It is wonderful to have so many enthusiastic children in our classes who are ready to learn and face lots of exciting challenges over the coming academic year.
Please click on the link below to find out all of the expectations and arrangements for Chandra, Sputnik and Voyager Classes.
Last week, each class worked hard to learn a poem from a lovely book called, ‘The Book of Lost Spells’ which each class then performed during a special whole school assembly. All of us were amazed at how well the children performed their poems in front of so many others. They performed with clear voices, actions and expression. Well done to all of the children.
Over the next two terms, we will be historians and our enquiry focus will be, ‘Who was the greatest Tudor monarch?’ We will be looking at how the Tudor dynasty began, the lives of each monarch and what it was like living in Tudor times. In the coming weeks, we will have a visit from a ‘Tudor courtier’ who will be telling us about his experiences of Tudor life and we will carry out a number of activities.
Please can we encourage you to support your child with their three weekly reads, by signing their Home School Diaries. These will be checked by a member of staff every Monday.
This term, Chandra class will be swimming on a Thursday afternoon so please ensure that they have their labelled swimming kit in school. We also recommend that you provide a plastic carrier bag for wet kit.
Many thanks for your support,
The Year Three and Four Team.