Term 6

Thursday 18th July
Term 6 Term 6 is always a busy time for sports. Here are some of our exciting highlights this term! Sports Day 🏅 Both our KS1 and KS2 Sports Days were roaring successes! The sun was shining, and all children gave their best in every event. Everyone showed

Term 5

Thursday 20th June
Term 5 Term 5 was a fun packed one for P.E, activity and sport events! We were lucky to have Dom from Somerset cricket come in and deliver Cricket sessions every Thursday to Key stage 2. Our cricket club was such good fun and we all

Term 3 & 4

Thursday 20th June
Term 3 & 4 This term we attended the North Somerset dance festival. We took 30 children and performed two dances that they had spent weeks after school rehearsing. They were amazing. What an experience! In January Year 3, 4 and 5 attended a multi skills event at

Term 2

Monday 8th January
Term 2 was another busy term with lots of events going out. This term we were lucky enough to have Mark from North Somerset P.E come in to deliver some Girl’s football sessions to years 3, 4 and 5. The feedback from everyone was amazing and we were

Term 1

Monday 8th January
We are excited to have a space to be able to share all of our exciting P.E news here at Uphill Village Academy! We will update what we have been doing each term, including at out of school events, afterschool clubs, intra-school competitions and P.E lessons!