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We believe geography should provoke and answer questions about children’s sense of place, about the natural and human worlds. We aim to equip our children with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes. As our children progress through school, we aim to ensure their growing knowledge about the world deepens their understanding of the interaction between physical and human processes, and of the formation of landscape and environments. We develop a knowledge of places throughout the world, an understanding of maps, continent’s, rivers and provide field work outside the classroom. Our children encounter different societies and cultures and we aim to help them realise how nations rely on each other. We want our children to be inspired to think about their own place in the world, their values, and their rights and responsibilities to other people and as stewards of the environment.

Whole School Overview – Enquiries   Geography History Science
 Week OneTerm 1Term 2Term 3Term 4Term 5Term 6

Year 1

One Year Roll

Locational Investigation

School/ address

Where is our place in the United Kingdom?

Discrete History – Field trip, Land marks of Uphill

Where is our place in the United Kingdom?

Discrete History – Monarchy, London capital city, King Charles III, St David, St Patrick, St George, St Andrew

Discrete Assembly – Remembrance Day

How has the way we send a message changed?

Seasonal changes

What are the properties of everyday materials?

Discrete History KS assembly wc march 13 – EMPIRE

Commonwealth day

How has our local area changed over time?

Discrete Geography map work

Whole School Local History Study

How animals have been used in Uphill Village


How do living things survive?

Discrete history – CHRONOLOGY

Reflecting and celebrating events/celebrations of this school year timeline (transition)


Year 2

One Year Roll

Locational Investigation

South West

Severn Estuary

Where in the world are we?Where in the world are we?

Discrete History – Field trip, Land marks of Uphill

Discrete Assembly – Remembrance Day

Who were the Victorians?

Field work study of Brunel Landmarks using maps

Who were the Victorians?

Discrete History KS assembly w/c march 13 – EMPIRE

Commonwealth day

What made London burn?

Geographical study of London

Whole School Local History Study

Local field study

How is our environment changing?

Fieldwork – environmentally friendly

Discrete history – KS assembly D Day w/c 6th June

Year 3/4 


Locational Investigation

South West



Who was the greatest monarch of the Tudor age?

Tudor landmarks

Who was the greatest monarch of the Tudor age?

Discrete Assembly – Remembrance Day

Why did Europeans go exploring?

Map work of Europe

Why did Europeans go exploring?

Discrete History KS assembly w/c march 13 – EMPIRE

Commonwealth day

How green is our planet?


Whole School Local History Study

Field work

What happened to the Mayan civilisation?

Discrete history – KS assembly D Day w/c 6th June

Year 3/4 


Locational Investigation

Cities in England


(physical and human)

What happened when the Anglo Saxons and Vikings came to Britain?

Map work – counties of Britain

What happened when the Anglo Saxons and Vikings came to Britain?

Fieldwork – beach raid why did they choose here (physical properties)

Discrete Assembly – Remembrance Day


What makes England significant? Where is our place in Europe?

Discrete History KS assembly w/c march 13 – EMPIRE

Commonwealth day

Whole School Local History Study

Field work

Comparison study with Eastern Spain

Discrete history – KS assembly D Day w/c 6th June

Year 5/6


Locational Investigation

Waterways of England

How did Egyptian civilisation evolve?

Mop work of Egypt and surrounding area

How did Egyptian civilisation evolve?

Discrete Assembly – Remembrance Day

How does our world rage?

River field work

How does our world rage?

Discrete History KS assembly wc march 13 – EMPIRE

Commonwealth day

What did the Ancient Greeks do for us?

Whole School Local History Study

What did the Ancient Greeks do for us?

Discrete history – KS assembly D Day w/c 6th June

Year 5/6


Locational Investigation

Highlands of England

How did settlements stem from the stone age?

Map work of settlements

How did the Romans rule?

Location of Rome and landmarks

How did the Romans expand their empire?

Map work and landmarks of Rome

Have we made the world a better place?

Discrete History KS assembly wc march 13 – EMPIRE

Commonwealth day

Have we made the world a better place?

Traffic field study

Whole School Local History Study

How do we know about Space?

History of space exploration

Discrete history – KS assembly D Day w/c 6th June

Intent, Implementation and Impact

Subject Progression Documents

CLF Primary Curriculum Geographers