Term 1 Week 2

What a week!

As writers we have started to read our new book ‘The Queen’s fool’. We have answered questions and predicted what we think might happen in the book. Next week we will write a character description all about the main character of the book so we have practiced our describing skills by playing guess.
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In Maths, we have been recapping our knowledge of numbers to 100. We have been looking at how to represent and draw them, partition them as well as find them on a number line.

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This term in PE we will be learning how to play tag rugby. This week we practiced our passing skills with our team. We have also been practising our footwork skills in our indoor sessions.
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We continued our learning of the sport tag rugby by playing the game ‘TAG’ and introducing the use of belts and balls.
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As linguists we have thought about what we already know about France or the French Language and what we would like to learn to say in French this year.

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For our enquiry lesson we have continued to be historians by ordering a timeline of events from the Tudor Period. We also found information  about the War of the Roses.
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As scientists we looked at how light travels and understood that it travelled in a straight line and reflected off of objects so that we could see them.
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