Term 1 – Week 4

This week has been rather wet but it hasn’t stopped us from doing some fantastic learning…


In PE we have been practising our footwork skills. Concentrating in particular on; side steps with a pivot, skipping with opposite knees and elbow and hopscotching both forwards and backwards. It has been a lot of fun and we are working hard to perfect these skills.

Term 1 - Week 4 Term 1 - Week 4 Term 1 - Week 4







In Art this week, Chandra class had a go at weaving using paper. We found out that you need a loom which makes up the warp threads and the horizontal threads are called the weft. Chandra have set a very high standard and Voyager and Sputnik can’t wait to try this out later this term!

Term 1 - Week 4 Term 1 - Week 4 Term 1 - Week 4Term 1 - Week 4






Term 1 - Week 4