Term 1 – Week 4

Another fantastic week!

As musicians, we have been learning a new song, looking at musical notes and exploring the pentatonic scale! We then had a go at playing notes from the scale on our glockenspiel to accompany our song! It sounded great!

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In P.E we have been continuing to work on our footwork skills. We worked in pairs to improve the quality of our sidestepping, pivots, skipping and hopscotch!

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As writers we have prepared ourselves to write a diary in role of our main character Cat. We hot seated some of our friends and identified features of a diary.
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As mathematicians we practised our arithmetic skills when adding and subtracting.

Term 1 - Week 4

As linguists we continued to learn our french greetings and we sang songs to ask ‘what is your name?’ and ‘how are you?’.

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As citizens, we thought about our achievements. We wrote something we have achieved already on one side of our medals and something we would like to achieve this year. We look forward to seeing or hearing about these achievements.

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As scientist, we investigated shadows and why they are created. We went outside and drew around our shadows to help us understand that shadows are formed when an object (us) blocked the light source (the sun).

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As artists we have explored different textures in drawings. We created a bank of textures to use for future drawings.
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