Term 1 – Week 5

In year 3/4 this week…


In maths this week we looked at rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and 100. We carried out an investigation to find how many 3-digit numbers we could find using 4 numbers…

Term 1 - Week 5

Term 1 - Week 5 Term 1 - Week 5 Term 1 - Week 5

Term 1 - Week 5 Term 1 - Week 5



In English, we have been reading the book Beowulf. We have been, sequencing the story and writing character descriptions of Grendel’s fearsome mother.

Term 1 - Week 5 Term 1 - Week 5 Term 1 - Week 5

Project – being a historian

In our project this term we are answering the big question ‘Were the Vikings Vicious?’. This week we have been looking the beginning of the Viking age when the norsemen invaded and raided Lindisfarne. We researched where the Vikings came from and what made then travel to other countries to invade them. Ask us what we have found out!

Term 1 - Week 5 Term 1 - Week 5 Term 1 - Week 5

Work of the Week

This week work of the week went to…

Sputnik: Seb for his enthusiasm for our learning in science this week. He even carried on his learning at home and sent a picture in to share of an interesting caterpillar he found in his garden!

Voyager: Harry for his systematic thinking in maths as well as beautifully presented work when investigating rounding. Keep up the hard work.

Chandra: Isla for some fantastic writing based on our class read ‘Beowulf’. Great job, Isla!

Term 1 - Week 5 Term 1 - Week 5 Term 1 - Week 5