Term 1 Week 5

We’ve been busy!

As mathematicians we have been using place value counters to explore the place value in numbers to 1000 and then using this knowledge to recognise where those numbers would be on a number line.

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In P.E we have been practising balancing on one leg and timing ourselves to complete challenges and improve our times!

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We also took our tag-rugby skills to the next level too and introduced takers and defenders into our lesson. We are really impressed with the skills that are developing each week!

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As scientists we explored the shadows of different items and made predictions about where they would be.

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We then expanded our knowledge and looked at different reflective surfaces. After our experiment we ordered our surfaces from most reflective to least reflective. We found that some of our ideas surprised us.

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We took our discussion even further and debated clothing at night. We compared a black coat to a neon/reflective coat and said which we thought was safer.
Term 1 Week 5

As linguists we have recapped our knowledge of french greetings and then learnt our days of the week. We practised with a song and then applied our learning in our books.
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As writers we have written a diary entry in the role of Cat recapping the first few chapters of our book. We also edited and improved out writing to make it even better.
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For our next loop in our history enquiry we found out lots of information about Tudor Life. We looked at schooling, toys and games as well as clothing that children had in that period. It was fun to compare this information to our lives today.

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