Term 2 – Week 1

What a great first week of term 2!

As mathematicians we learnt how to add and subract using the written method .

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In Dance this week, we created different standing and balanced shapes with our bodies!

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For our enquiry ‘who was the greatest Tudor monarch?’ We swapped our historian skills to be geographers. We recapped our knowledge on the continents of the world and located countries within europe. We used atlases to help with our map work.
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As scientists, we started learning about a new topic: Sound. Last term we learnt about light and we have already started to make connections between them.

Term 2 - Week 1

As writers continued reading our class english book ‘The Queen’s Fool’ and have planned a letter to our main character Cat. We are looking forwards to writing these next week.

Term 2 - Week 1

As citizens we learnt about rewards and consequences. We discussed which are fair and which are not. We linked these to the ones we have in school and at home.

As athletes, we also started to learn new skills in netball.

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