Term 1 – Week 2

Well, this week has felt like it has flown by! We have been really busy with our learning…

Song of Gladness

As we came back to school, we shared the book by Michael Morpurgo called ‘Songs of Gladness’. We used this to think about the coming year and being hopeful about what it may bring. We used it as inspiration in our English and Art lessons, paying particular attention to our presentation skills and setting the expectations for the next year!

Term 1 - Week 2

Term 1 - Week 2

Term 1 - Week 2


In maths we have been working on place value, exploring numbers to 1000 using different resources to represent the numbers in different ways.

Term 1 - Week 2 Term 1 - Week 2 Term 1 - Week 2



Term 1 - Week 2

Term 1 - Week 2












Our theme for this terms PSHE is ‘Being Me in My World’. Over this time, we will be discussing what makes a good team, being a good citizen, our rights and responsibilities and putting together our own class charters. This week we explored what it meant to be part of a team and worked together to determine what we thought were the most important words to describe teamwork and how it felt to be part of a team. We finished our week by putting our ‘teamwork’ into practise! Our challenge was to pass the ball around the circle, without using our hands and not letting it tough the floor. It was certainly very tricky but we got there in the end!

Term 1 - Week 2 Term 1 - Week 2 Term 1 - Week 2 Term 1 - Week 2 Term 1 - Week 2 Term 1 - Week 2