Term 2 – Week 1

This term has got off to a fantastic start…

Being a Citizen

During RE this week, we learned about Diwali, a festival of lights. We made out own Rangoli light catchers to welcome in Lakshmi into our classrooms.

Term 2 - Week 1 Term 2 - Week 1 Term 2 - Week 1

Term 2 - Week 1

Term 2 - Week 1

Viking Wow Day

Lots of fun was had this Wednesday when a special person paid us a visit in year 3/4. Bjorn Magnusson, a real life Viking, came to see us and tell  us all about being a Viking. As well as meet Bjorn, we spent the day creating our own Viking boats using weaving to make their sails.

Term 2 - Week 1Term 2 - Week 1








Term 2 - Week 1 Term 2 - Week 1

Term 2 - Week 1





Term 2 - Week 1

Term 2 - Week 1

Term 2 - Week 1


A reminder that homework is set each Thursday on sumdog – this shouldn’t take longer than 15/20 minutes and there is a maths and a grammar task.  Please can you encourage your children to have a go at these – it really is a fun way of learning!