Term 2 – Week 4

Another week has flown by in year 3/4…


This week we have been busy writing an extra chapter for the book we have just read in our English lessons. The Last Viking is a story about Ragnar, the last Viking! At the end of the book, he is given a second chance by Symeon – to become a monk and avoid capture and punishment as the only Viking left at the end of the Viking age. We worked hard to ensure our writing was exceptional and wouldn’t look a miss if it was published in the book.

Term 2 - Week 4


In maths we have been learning to multiply and divide by 10 and 100.

Check out your sumdog homework this week for a chance to practice more maths!


In science this term, we have been learning about forces and magnets. This week we were investigating how magnets can attract magnetic materials and use this to make something move…

Term 2 - Week 4 Term 2 - Week 4 Term 2 - Week 4

Stop Walk Talk

Following on from last weeks anti-bullying week, Mrs Hodder talked about ways we can deal with behaviour in school that we don’t like or that makes us feel upset. She explained that if a friend is making us feel upset or acting in a way we don’t like, we can take the following steps to resolve things:

  1. Stop – ask the person firmly to stop the unwanted behaviour
  2. Walk – if the behaviour continues then walk away calmly
  3. Talk – if it still continues then talk to an adult

Term 2 - Week 4

No Pens Wednesday

Wednesday was ‘No Pens Wednesday’ and we spent the day putting down our pens and focussing on our speaking and understanding skills. In French, instead of using pens to record what words we know about French drinks, we got up and active and showed our understanding by playing a game…

Term 2 - Week 4 Term 2 - Week 4 Term 2 - Week 4








In English, this meant that we thought about how to share our writing by ‘performing’ our stories. First to our learning partners and then to the rest of the class…

Term 2 - Week 4Term 2 - Week 4

Term 2 - Week 4Term 2 - Week 4Term 2 - Week 4