Term 2 – Week 4
Another fantastic week!
As athletes we focussed on control in our football skills by playing mud monsters. We enjoyed dribbling and learning to tackle.
In PSHE we learnt all about online safety and bullying online. We have created amazing online safety posters to inform others.
As writers this week we are going to be writing a non-chron report all about Viking Gods and Goddesses. To start our learning journey we read a non-chron report and identified features from our rubrics.
As artists this week we have practiced drawing facial features so that we could draw a portrait of a friend in our class. We also learnt about colours and started to experiment with paint to create a colour wheel.
As mathematicians in year 3 we investigated and explored arrays. We used arrays to help us understand and ‘see’ our times tables.
In year 3 we also recapped our knowledge of sharing and grouping before focussing on division next week.
As scientists we explored magnets and learnt all about magnetic forces and poles. We created our own course to move a paperclip around with a magnet so we could explain how it works.