Term 2 – Week 7

The Christmas break is finally here! We hope you all get a chance to rest and recoup over the Christmas break – have a wonderful holiday!

In year 3/4 here is some of our learning and some other activities we have been up to this week…


We all made Christingles this week as part of our Being a Citizen RE lessons. This term we have been discussing  a key questions ‘What is the most important part of the Christmas story for Christians today?’ As part of this, we had a visit from Mrs Britton who showed us how to make Christingles and taught us what each part represents and why they are significant. She also read us a story called ‘Papa Panov’s Special Days’.

Term 2 - Week 7 Term 2 - Week 7 Term 2 - Week 7 Term 2 - Week 7

Science learning

We showed our learning from this term by creating lapbooks about forces and magnets.

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Christmas Dinner

Term 2 - Week 7 Term 2 - Week 7 Term 2 - Week 7 Term 2 - Week 7

Christmas Party

With huge thanks to our PTFA for organising the food, we ended our week with a lot of fun at our Christmas parties…

Term 2 - Week 7 Term 2 - Week 7 Term 2 - Week 7 Term 2 - Week 7 Term 2 - Week 7 Term 2 - Week 7 Term 2 - Week 7 Term 2 - Week 7 Term 2 - Week 7



Term 2 - Week 7

Term 2 - Week 7

Term 2 - Week 7

Term 2 - Week 7

Term 2 - Week 7

Term 2 - Week 7



Thank you for all your generous cards and gifts – the year 3/4 team wish you all a very ‘Merry Christmas’