Term 3 – Week 1

Happy New Year! It has been wonderful to welcome Year 3/4 back to school after the Christmas break. They have settled back into school life really well and we are looking forward to some more excellent learning this term.

We are being scientists this term and are investigating the big enquiry question “How is my body amazing?”

As a whole class, we discussed the questions we had about this and thought about the skills we will use as we become scientists to explore this.

Term 3  - Week 1

In maths, we have moved into our new groups and year 3 and 4 will now have separate lessons. The change has gone really smoothly and the children have settled well into the new routine. They have been busy developing their multiplication skills this week and you can help them at home with this by practising their times tables whenever you have a spare 5 minutes! Homework continues to be set each week on sumdog – a maths task related to what we have been learning is part of this.
