Term 3 week 2

What a week!

We are back into the swing of things now!
In our DT lessons, we were able to see our finished products of our Tudor Roses. We evaluated the roses and identified what went well and what we could do differently next time.
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As mathematicians, we have continued exploring the relationship between multiplying and dividing. We have focused on this relationship in the 3 and 4 times tables.
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As writers, we have continued to read our new book, Varjak Paw, and have written a plan so that we can write a detail description next week of the setting where the story takes place.
Term 3 week 2

As scientists, we have learnt about the different layers of the earth. We have also extended our learning by sorting and comparing different types of rock.
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As geographers, we looked at some different maps and compared a modern day map to one from 1502.

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