Term 3 – week 4

We’re halfway!

To start our week off we practiced our skill of balancing on a line. We then took part in different activities to apply this skill. At the end of the lesson we thought about how we have improved from our last lesson and what we will do to improve further next week.
Term 3 - week 4 Term 3 - week 4 Term 3 - week 4 Term 3 - week 4 Term 3 - week 4 Term 3 - week 4
As citizens we looked at challenges and how these link to our own dreams and goals. After reading the book ‘me…Jane’ we created a flower that had all of our dreams and goals on the petals to represent dreams being ‘planted and grown’ like seeds.

Term 3 - week 4

After this we worked well in a team to create a garden for people who have ‘challenges in life’. We designed a garden and tried to work with a budget to make sure we weren’t spending too much money.
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As writers we started the week learning about the past progressive tense and how we can use these in our writing.
Term 3 - week 4 Term 3 - week 4
In the role of Edward Tulane we wrote a diary entry recounting everything that has happened so far.


In maths we learnt all about measure this week. We thought about what items you would measure in centimetres vs metres and learnt how to measure in millimetres.

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As geographers we looked at atlases to locate the continent of Europe. We identified lots of different countries in Europe and answered questions about countries that boarder each other as well as finding the smallest and biggest countries.
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To end our week we took part in a whole school birdwatch. We enjoyed spotting all of the birds around our school field with our friends.
Term 3 - week 4 Term 3 - week 4 Term 3 - week 4 Term 3 - week 4