Term 3 Week 4
Take a look at what we’ve been up to!
As mathematicians we have learnt to multiply a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number. We have used a variety of methods for this.
As musicians, we have continued to learn to play the glockenspiels.
As writers this week, we have done a variety of activities to help towards writing a biography over the next few weeks. We have looked at different sentence types, as well as identifying features of a biography.
In our PE lessons, we focused on our balancing skills as well as throwing and catching a ball. We also practiced our Tag Rugby skills this week on the field.
As citizens, we focused on our dreams and goals. We read a book called ‘Me… Jane’ all about Dr Jane Goodall and the dreams she has been able to achieve. We then wrote our own dreams and goals onto a flower and its petals.
As we work towards our enquiry question’Why did europeans go exploring?’ We have researched John Cabot who built The Matthew. This was very exciting as we will be taking a trip to see the Matthew in April.