Term 4 – Week 6

Term 4 – Week 6

This week we have concluded our project ‘Who was the Greatest Explorer’ by considering exploration and the impacts it has had on our lives. In English we wrote persuasively on the topic of ‘Is the world a better place because of exploration?’. We were impressed at the quality of the writing that was produced!

Term 4 - Week 6 Term 4 - Week 6

Easter Egg Hunt

Lots of laughter could be heard and fun was had when we went out on the field today to search for ‘easter eggs’.

Term 4 - Week 6 Term 4 - Week 6 Term 4 - Week 6

Happy Easter!

After what has been a pretty strange term, we have reached the Easter holidays. We would like to wish you all a restful and relaxing break and look forward to seeing you for the summer term afterwards!