Term 5 – Week 1

Welcome to Term 5

Welcome back after the Easter break. Hopefully you were able to enjoy some sunshine and the easing of restrictions. We have had a very busy week re-establishing our classroom routines and learning expectations in year 3/4. It has been lovely having everyone back in the classroom and hearing all about their Easter break.

We have launched our new project ‘Did the Mayans live in the Rainforest?’ this week. To start, we became geographers and have been looking at South America and the countries which make up this continent. We have been using compass directions to describe where to find the different countries and used atlases and maps to locate them and oceans that surround them.

Term 5 - Week 1 Term 5 - Week 1

In English, we have been researching the rainforest in Guyana and finding out what it would be like to go on an expedition there. We have also become authors and written our own poems based on the river and waterfalls that are found in the rainforests of Guyana. Term 5 - Week 1

Work of the Week

Term 5 - Week 1Term 5 - Week 1Term 5 - Week 1

Well done to Noah, Mia and Josh for working hard and getting work of the week this week!

A sunny end to the week…

It has been lovely to make the most of the sunshine this week and getting outside and being active was a great way to round off our week!

Term 5 - Week 1 Term 5 - Week 1