Term 5 – Week 2

We have been working hard again this week in year 3/4. In our English lessons we have been learning about a group of children called the Serious Explorers who went on an expedition to the rainforests of Guyana. They were following in the footsteps of Sir Walter Raleigh who had travelled there in 1595 to find the fabled city of gold, El Dorado! The children hoped to find our what his journey might have been like and see the type of challenges he might have faced. We wrote recounts of their journey – ask us how the children got on!

In maths we have been focussing on data and understanding different ways to represent information. We have explored pictograms, tables and bar charts to compare and the totals and the difference. Can you decide if you agree with Kate or not?

Term 5 - Week 2





As part of our enquiry learning we have been asking questions about South America and it’s geography. We were finding out about climate zones and biomes.

Term 5 - Week 2

Term 5 - Week 2Term 5 - Week 2






Finally, in art this week we focussed on the skills of  botanical drawing and had a go at sketching our own botanical drawings.

Term 5 - Week 2 Term 5 - Week 2 Term 5 - Week 2