Term 5 – Week 2
What an amazing week we’ve had!
As writers this week we have enjoyed retelling the story of Grandfather’s journey from our new book. We used our story S and our oracy skills before writing a recount in role.
In our PE lesson we enjoyed playing another adapted game of rounders. This week we focused on our batting skills but with a tennis racket.
As linguists we recapped our knowledge of numbers and we’re able to ask for the date and write them down. We used ‘follow me’ cards to secure our knowledge.
As scientists we found out about the digestive system. The food we eat has to be broken down into other substances that our bodies can use. This is called digestion. We drew the digestive system onto a plastic apron then presented our learning to show our understanding.
In our year 3 maths lessons we have been learning to add and subtract different amounts of money. We have enjoyed using coins again to secure our understanding. We added amounts and subtracted amounts of money and used a part-whole model to help us:
In our PSHE lesson we learnt all about jealousy and how some situations can cause this emotion. We sorted some situation cards into two groups ‘lots of jealousy’ or ‘fewer emotions of jealousy’.
First we worked as a team to pass Jigsaw Jo around the circle, we discussed that not every technique works for everyone so we need to make sure we can decide which way is best as group.
Continuing with our geography enquiry ‘UK vs Spain’ we researched Spain to find answers to questions using maps and presented our ideas.
As readers we used our talk tactics to help our discussions and practice our oracy skills before answering our questions.