Term 5 – Week 3
What have we been learning this week?
As athletes we have continued learning all of the rule and skills involved with playing rounders. We are enjoying being the bowler, backstop, fielders and batters.
As citizens in our PSHE lesson we learnt about love and loss. We discussed what feelings are linked to these and how we can manage these emotions. We also thought about what we can do to show people in our lives they are special to us. As a class we read the book ‘Badger’s parting gifts’ to help us learn about this.
In our English lessons this week we have been preparing to write a letter to the leaders of the Green Party about habitat destruction. We have formed our opinions and held a debate with the statement ‘The fishing industry is responsible for a large proportion of plastic pollution; therefore, all fishing should be banned.’
It was amazing to see the Oracy skills used across the classes.
As mathematicians we have moved onto a new topic, statistics. We have enjoyed recapping our knowledge of pictograms and bar charts and learning how to interpret the data.
As linguists we are starting a journey all about story telling in French. Over the next few weeks we will be increasing our knowledge of speaking and listening. In our lesson this week we listened to thestory of Little red riding hood and followed along in English. We identified some key words and vocabulary we have already covered this year.
As geographers we have looked at the physical geography of Spain, we made observations about what we saw and discovered as well as asking questions.
As scientists, we have made our own version of the digestive system and observed what happens to food at each stage. We used the model to understand the function of each part of the organ system.