Term 6 Week 1
Welcome back!
Some important dates for this term:
Year 4 camp: Thursday 13th June – Friday 14th June.
Raise the roof singing festival: Wednesday 26th June (pick up from The Winter Gardens)
As scientists we have started learning about a new topic all about Electricity. We have started by asking some questions so we can find the answer later this term. We also looked at different appliances and sorted which use mains electricity, batteries or neither.
We then extended our learning and identified complete and incomplete circuits. After we tested different circuits to see if our predictions were correct.
A new term means a new book. This term we are going to be using the book Flotsam to inspire our writing. We have started by looking at the pictures in the books and writing what we have noticed as well as any questions.
We took a ‘visit’ to the beach where we found some flotsam. We made links to the items and wondered where they came from and who they might have belonged to. We came up with some questions that we shared as a class.
Before writing a newspaper report next week, we looked at a variety of newspaper reports to help understand the importance of reporting the truth. We also identified the features of a report to help ahead of our writing next week.
As citizens, our theme this term is changing me. We started our discussion about this by thinking about what makes each of us unique. We learned that our bodies are made up of cells which contain our genes. These are what gives us our characteristics. First, we looked at the difference that genes can make to the colour of a kittens fur and eyes. Then, we considered the characteristics found in children from their parents. We inherit our characteristics from our birth parents.
As citizens we also read a book called ‘Julian is a mermaid’. We discussed how clothing can represent different cultures and answered questions such as ‘does clothing define a person?’ And ‘can you tell what a person is like from the clothes they wear?’. The book taught us about the different identities we can have in our lives such as son, team mate, class friend etc and we created an identity poster using all of our different ‘identities’ and what makes us unique.
As mathematicians in year 3 we have recapped our knowledge about shapes, angles and symmetry whilst also deepening our understanding. We had the opportunity to draw some shapes and play guess the shape games.
We extended our learning by creating 3D shapes using toothpicks and marshmallows to identify faces, edges and vertices.
As artists we contained to look at work inspired by Alberto Giacometti. We challenged ourselves to draw a simple figure before creating a sculpture out of pipe cleaners and tinfoil.