Term 6 Week 6

Term 6 week 6

What a week we’ve had, this week is out eco art and DT week. We have created something an item or artwork from pre-existing materials.
In Chandra Class we cut up old t-shirts to create a quilt to represent each child, we drew our designs and sewed them together. We then used the off cuts to create something to take home.
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In Sputnik, we collected toilet rolls, old cardboard, saved cut off pieces of paper, milk bottle lids and take away lids. We then used them to create a pen pot / desk tidy.

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Voyager designed pictures of city scapes using newspaper…

Term 6 Week 6

We loved travelling around the school to see all of the amazing things our everyone has made.

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As citizens, we have reflected on this last year and thought about what we are looking forward to next year. We wrote our ideas down on a leaf to create a class tree.
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As scientists we understood the difference between batteries with varying voltage. We tested a variety of batteries with buzzers and light bulbs to find the higher the voltage the louder the buzzer or brighter the light bulb.
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As linguists, we sequenced the story of little red riding hood in french and started to practice telling the story as a group. Some teams performed this week and the rest will perform next week so we can reflect on our performance.
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As writers year 3/4 have re-told, sequenced and innovated the story of Flotsam to create their own sequel ‘Jetsam’ inspired by the final picture in the book.
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As mathematicians, we have learnt an important skill of telling the time to 5 minutes and then also to the minute. It has been fantastic to seen the year 3s knowledge of time grow throughout the week.

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As historians, Year 3/4 have looked at maps of our village and compared them. We found lots of similarities but also lots of differences.

Term 6 Week 6 Term 6 Week 6 Term 6 Week 6