Term 6 Week 7 & 8

It’s the last week!

What a year we’ve had! Thank you to everyone for your hard work and support this year, we have loved watching your children grow throughout the year.

As writers year 3/4 have looked at a poem called the magic box. We annotated the poem with pictures and explored the vocabulary before creating one of our own.
Term 6 Week 7 & 8 Term 6 Week 7 & 8 Term 6 Week 7 & 8Term 6 Week 7 & 8 Term 6 Week 7 & 8 Term 6 Week 7 & 8 Term 6 Week 7 & 8 Term 6 Week 7 & 8 Term 6 Week 7 & 8 Term 6 Week 7 & 8

To finish off our local history enquiry, we looked at a variety of arial images of uphill from the past 100 years and spotted different human and physical features. We compared these to see what changes have happened over time.
Term 6 Week 7 & 8 Term 6 Week 7 & 8 Term 6 Week 7 & 8 Term 6 Week 7 & 8

As scientists, we had the opportunity to show all of fantastic learning by creating a poster on our electricity enquiry.
Term 6 Week 7 & 8 Term 6 Week 7 & 8 Term 6 Week 7 & 8 Term 6 Week 7 & 8 Term 6 Week 7 & 8 Term 6 Week 7 & 8

Thank you for all the thoughtful gifts, cards and thanks we have received from you at the end of another packed year in year 3/4.  We have loved teaching your children this year and all that remains for us to say is we hope you all have a happy and restful summer break! We will see you on our return on Wednesday September 4th.