Week beginning Monday 12th July

This week the children have been writing quest stories. We set our stories in a rainforest which was being destroyed by terrifying machines. In our stories, a wide variety of animals including anacondas, spider monkeys, koalas and poisonous dart frogs, faced numerous dangers as they travelled to the city to ask the humans to stop this destruction.

Week beginning Monday 12th July

Week beginning Monday 12th July

During our maths lessons we have been continuing our work on fractions. We have been adding fractions and solving a wide variety of problems.

Week beginning Monday 12th July

Our art work continues as we have found out about the French artist, Henri Rousseau. Henri painted many pictures of the jungle even though he never left Paris. His used his vivid imagination to create colourful and fascinating paintings. This is in contrast to last week’s art session when we created detailed botanical drawings. These needed to be as realistic as possible.

Some of our botanical drawings

Week beginning Monday 12th July
Week beginning Monday 12th July

Week beginning Monday 12th July