Week beginning 10th October

The Year 3 and 4 team would like to thank all of the parents who attended our parents evenings this week. If you were unable to attend for any reason, then please speak to your child’s teacher to arrange an appointment.

We have had yet another action packed week. In English, we have been learning a Talk for Writing story called, ‘The Manor House’ , which is a very atmospheric story about an eerie forest and abandoned dwelling. This has involved us using actions to retell the story. We have looked at how powerful verbs, spooky words and fronted adverbials can be used to make stories more exciting. This is readiness for writing our own scary stories.

Our science work on light has continued with use finding out about how shadows are made. Some of us were able to go outside in the sun and draw around each others shadows. In the classrooms, we predicted where a shadow would fall if a torch light was shining in a particular place.

Week beginning 10th October Week beginning 10th October Week beginning 10th October Week beginning 10th October Week beginning 10th October Week beginning 10th October










As artists, we explored line and tone using different grades of pencils. We created texture by using different techniques such as hatching, cross-hatching and stippling. We compared the numbers on our pencils to find out how hard or soft they were. It was interesting to find out the difference this made when creating texture.

Week beginning 10th October Week beginning 10th October Week beginning 10th October Week beginning 10th October

Over the last two weeks we have been working on our theme ‘Being me in my world’ as part of our PSHE lessons. We have discussed what would make a nightmare school and what would make a dream school. We said children would feel unsafe and uncared for in a nightmare school and that they would find learning very difficult. In a dream school, we said children would feel safe, happy and be able to learn in a positive and encouraging environment. Quote of the lesson was, “It’s easy to imagine what a dream school is like because we can just think about Uphill. You can’t get a better school than here!”
Week beginning 10th October Week beginning 10th October Week beginning 10th October