Week beginning 11th July 2022
What a busy week it’s been! Despite the disappointment of having to cancel our beach trip, we had a fantastic day on Tuesday, with the children enjoying a whole variety of activities on the school field. We were pond dipping and scavenger hunting, finding a great variety of little creatures who have made our school their home. In addition, we had skipping, board games, tree rubbings, pencil drawings and French cricket. To finish the day we all enjoyed an ice lolly while watching Paddington in the hall.
Back in class, we spent the week practicing our song and poems ready for the presentation of learning on Thursday. Everyone worked very hard, and were very excited at having the opportunity to share their learning with parents once again. Thank you so much for coming to watch – the children thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
Have a great weekend (enjoy the sun), and we look forward to welcoming the children back on Monday for our final week of the year!