Week beginning 14th June

Everybody has settled down well into their new classes and are working hard.

In project, we are now learning about the Mayans. The children used atlases and globes to locate the Central American countries that they came from. We have also been finding out about their writing system and created a timeline showing the main  events in Mayan history.

In English, the children have been writing their own ‘beating the monster story’ set in the rainforest. They have been thinking carefully about the structure of their story while using powerful verbs and adjectives. On Friday, they will be writing up their final drafts.

Our new work in science is focusing on classification. Each class has been on a walk around the school grounds looking for living creatures. We were amazed by the variety of creatures that we found in our school grounds.


Week beginning 14th June

Week beginning 14th June

Week beginning 14th June