Week beginning 14th November

After watching Magic Grandad, we have been busy this week writing diary entries in role. We could pretend that we were either Elizabeth the First, Magic Grandad or his great grand children Kimberley and Gary. We used our senses to imagine what it would have been like being imprisoned in the Tower of London. Also, we thought carefully about writing in the first person, using a range of sentence starters, adjectives and powerful verbs.


Week beginning 14th November Week beginning 14th November Week beginning 14th November






On Monday, we wore odd socks as part of Anti- bullying Week. We talked about what bullying is and who we can reach out to if we are being bullied or if we see other children being bullied. In PSHE this week we talked about ways we can resolves conflicts within families by being respectful, listening to each other and talking through our problems calmly.

Week beginning 14th November Week beginning 14th November Week beginning 14th November Week beginning 14th November Week beginning 14th November






Thursday was Positive Noticing  Day and we all wrote and received a positive comment on a sticker which we wore for the day.

Week beginning 14th November






It was great to see all of the children coming to school in spots and yellow clothing for Children in Need. As a school, we made an amazing £393. Well done everybody.


Week beginning 14th November Week beginning 14th November Week beginning 14th November Week beginning 14th November Week beginning 14th November Week beginning 14th November