Week beginning 21.06.21

Well done to all of Year 3 and 4 for their brilliant attitude to Sports Day on Friday 25.06.21.

The children enjoyed a ranged of sporting activities and races on the day. They approached all the activities with enthusiasm and the staff were impressed with their grit and determination. The children supported one another brilliantly cheering and shouting not only for their friends but all those who were competing. We are very proud of you all and a big thank you to Mr. Huntley for organizing such a  successful event.

Week beginning 21.06.21 Week beginning 21.06.21 Week beginning 21.06.21


Not only have the children been showing great determination on the sport’s field, but they have been working hard in other subjects. In science they have been classifying vertebrates and invertebrates. They then worked on grouping vertebrates into mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and fish.Week beginning 21.06.21

Week beginning 21.06.21

Week beginning 21.06.21

During English, we have been carrying out research on woodland trees and animals in readiness for writing a non chronological report about Uphill Plantation and Donkey Field.