Week beginning 24th May

Well can you believe that it is the last week before half term?

In science this week, we were looking at different cloud formations using a view finder and then identify them. Cirrus clouds are found high in the sky and look like feathers of brush strokes. Stratus clouds are low lying and often look like a blanket covering the sky. These are the most common cloud found in Britain. Cumulus clouds are fluffy and often look like cotton candy while adding nimbus to a cloud type means that rain is on the way. It was great fun looking at different cloud formations. Why not go on a cloud walk during the holidays and see how many you can identify?                                                                                                                                           Week beginning 24th MayWeek beginning 24th MayWeek beginning 24th MayWeek beginning 24th May

In our project lesson, we were looking at the impact that humans have on the rainforest. We considered those effects and decided whether we thought they were positive or negative – we took a vote using our thumbs. It wasn’t always easy to make a decision though!

Week beginning 24th May

Week beginning 24th May Week beginning 24th May Week beginning 24th May

We then thought about ways in which we could limit some of the negative effects and made promises based on our ideas…Week beginning 24th May