Week beginning 26th April

Well what a busy second week back. The children have been extremely active this week pedaling and walking to school, working out with Mr Motivator and engaging in the daily active challenge.

It was also a pleasure catching up with lots of mums and dads during Parents Evening. If you were unable to attend, then please contact the school so a phone call can be arranged to discuss their progress.

As discussed during the Parents Evening, the Year 4 children will be doing a times tables check in June. Please find attached below information for parents and links to Mathsframe and Daily 10 which will help children to learn their times tables.




During English this week, the children have been publishing their recounts about a group of children, who travelled to the rainforest in the South American country of Guyana. The children thought very carefully about the features of a recount and took great pride in writing up their final drafts.

Week beginning 26th April

Week beginning 26th April

The children have also been learning more about the rainforest. Some of the children in P.E, thought about the layers of the rainforest and created a sequence showing the movements of the birds in the emergent layer of the rainforest. They also worked together to show the circumference of a tree trunk from this layer.


Week beginning 26th AprilWeek beginning 26th AprilWeek beginning 26th AprilWeek beginning 26th April