Week beginning 27th February

This week in school we have had a focus on World Book Day. This means that we have been doing lots of activities related to reading. The week was launched with an assembly about the event. Children got creative and made ‘Story Jars’ at home to bring in – we were really impressed with the effort that had gone into this and have had some amazing entries for the competition. It was a very tricky choice to chose winners from each year group! Well done to Delilah from year 4 and Ottilie from year 3 for their winning jars!

Week beginning 27th February Week beginning 27th February








Stop and Read

Week beginning 27th February Week beginning 27th February

Week beginning 27th February Week beginning 27th February Week beginning 27th February Week beginning 27th February














World Book Day Dress-Up

Week beginning 27th February

Week beginning 27th February







Book Fayre

On Friday 10th March after school, we will be hosting a book fayre for KS2 in the school hall. There will be an opportunity to purchase all the latest books. All proceeds will go towards purchasing new reading books for the library and for guided reading – please do come along and spend your book tokens!