Week beginning 31.1.22

We have had yet another busy week. Today, we all went out onto the field to join in with the Big Garden Bird Watch. Using binoculars, we spent time identify different birds. We spied lots of carrion crows, starlings, gulls, wood pigeons and even a little wag tail or two.


Week beginning 31.1.22 Week beginning 31.1.22 Week beginning 31.1.22 Week beginning 31.1.22




Being ornithologists


In English and science, we have been writing a non chronological report on the human skeleton. We discussed the features of a non chronological report, did research about the skeleton, wrote notes, draw labelled diagrams and then published our final drafts in our science books.

Week beginning 31.1.22

Week beginning 31.1.22

Week beginning 31.1.22

Week beginning 31.1.22

We also made models of muscles in science using card and elastic bands. This helped us to understand how muscles work in pairs. For example when you bend your arm, the top muscle contracts which means that it becomes fatter and shorter and the bottom muscles relaxes becoming longer and thinner.

Week beginning 31.1.22Week beginning 31.1.22

Making and testing our cardboard muscles.
In RE this week, we were comparing similarities and differences between Judeo-Christian and Hinduism Creation story.
We were lucky enough to have Mrs Britton visit and discuss our reasoning about why we thought it was a similarity or a difference.
Week beginning 31.1.22
Working with Mrs Britton looking for similarities and differences in creation stories.
We are also learning some songs for the Raise the Roof festival which will be held in March. We are learning songs about the elements such as water, earth and fire. Today, we joined in an online session with Tim Parker from the music service to rehearse some of these songs.