Week beginning 6th March
This week has been an adventure – we’re afraid we don’t have any pictures to share as we’ve been so busy with our learning. In English we have been continuing to work on our writing based on the book Varjak Paw. We have been thinking about the setting and how we can describe this so that the person reading can really imagine what Varjak can see, hear and smell and how this makes him feel. In maths we have been working on adding and subtracting fractions – we have begun to master this – ask us what the rules are! In our enquiry we have researched Francis Drake to produce our own fact files. We will be considering the impact the age of exploration has in our next lesson and we are really looking forward to our trip to the Matthew in Bristol. The snow this week was certainly exciting – school turned in to a real winter wonderland for the day! We were sorry it disappeared as quickly as it arrived but it was nice to finish this week with some sunshine and a chance to buy some books at our book fayre. Have a great weekend!