Week beginning Monday 12th July

Well what a week!

We would just like to take the opportunity to thank all of the children for engaging with our live lessons, guided reading sessions, check ins etc and for sending in their week over the last week. We appreciate that it has been tricky at times but we have been impressed with how well you have coped.

We also need to say a big thank you to all of the parents and carers. We wouldn’t have been able to have done this without you.

Finally, a special shout out goes to our amazing teaching partners, who have worked tirelessly behind the scenes. Thank you so much!

Here’s a selection of some of the work that the children have completed.


Week beginning Monday 12th July Week beginning Monday 12th July Week beginning Monday 12th July Week beginning Monday 12th July Week beginning Monday 12th JulyWeek beginning Monday 12th July Week beginning Monday 12th July Week beginning Monday 12th July
























Week beginning Monday 12th July Week beginning Monday 12th July Week beginning Monday 12th July















Week beginning Monday 12th July Week beginning Monday 12th July Week beginning Monday 12th July Week beginning Monday 12th July Week beginning Monday 12th July