Week beginning Monday 9th January
Welcome back to school. We hope that you had an enjoyable Christmas and New Year.
As we look towards the new term in Year 3/4, please find some information about what will be happening as well other expectations regarding home learning.
Our enquiry question is: ‘Why did Europeans Explore?’ It is a history-based enquiry about the Age of Exploration during the 15th and 16th centuries.
Although our learning will have a history focus, we will also be using and developing our geographical skills. We will research the explorers of the time and the reasons why people started to explore the world around them. As part of our enquiry, we are hoping to visit Bristol Docks/Harbour and go aboard The Matthew (A replica of the original ship which was used for exploration.) Please be advised that this is still to be confirmed, therefore we cannot provide you with any dates or costs, yet. Additionally, if you can help in school or contribute your knowledge to our enquiry, we would love to hear from you.
We will share a presentation of learning with you, towards the end of the term 4, in the school hall. The date for this will be confirmed in the coming weeks.
We will continue to set homework on a weekly basis, through the Sumdog website, and will expect it to be completed as a matter of course. As always, please continue to encourage your child to read at home and practice their times tables a few times per week. Please can we remind you to record these occasions in your child’s Home School Diary – thank you!
P.E. Times
Voyager – Monday, (outdoor P.E.) and Thursday, (swimming)
Sputnik – Tuesday, (indoors) and Friday, ( outdoor P.E.)
Chandra – Monday, (indoors) and Thursday, (outdoors P.E)