Home Learning W.C 1st February

Home Learning for Year 3/4

Term 3 – Week 5

This week, all tasks and resources will be set daily using Microsoft Teams.

Each assignment will have an instruction box detailing the lesson expectations.

The expectation for submitted work for year 3/4 is as follows:

Maths – Please submit your work daily

English – Please submit the specified tasks on Friday by 1pm

Science – Please submit your work once a week after the lesson on a Monday

Guided Reading – You will be required to attend 1 guided reading session each week (Year 4 1:15pm on a Tuesdays / Year 3 1:15pm on a Thursday)

Use this link for Microsoft Teams

If you are not sure how to submit work via Teams then please follow the link below. 

Reminder: Once you have attached a photo of your work, you need to press the ‘Turn In’ button to let your teacher know that your work has been attached.

How to submit work via teams

If you would like any further support, please contact a member of the year group team using the email below.

[email protected]

We look forward to seeing your work!

Timetable for Home Learning

Please follow the timetable below to complete this week’s tasks.

Click on this link for an enlarged copy of theYear 3.4 Home Learning Timetable

Home Learning W.C 25th January



Assembly Links:

A Whole School Assembly with Mrs Hodder will be available every Monday.

Please follow this link:


A Celebration Assembly with Mrs Hodder and Mrs Tinker will be available every Friday. 


If you experience any issues with finding any of these lessons or resources, let us know using the Year 3/4 email.