Top Tips for Home Schooling without Tears!
What a roller coaster start we have had to 2021!
Straight into Home schooling, a challenge you have risen to, and now, with just two weeks before half term, here are a few Top Tips to get you to a well deserved break!
- Prepare for your learning the night before, mornings can be stressful enough.
- A good morning routine will help your child feel prepared so, Up, Dress, Breakfast and Ready to log into Team’s for their morning check-in.
- Work in short bursts as this is how your child’s brain works best. So, 20/30 minutes of work and stop for a Brain Break which can be just a move around in the house or a quick run around the garden.
- Once your child has their work ready, let them attempt it by themselves but be on hand to support.
- Check through what they have done, allowing them to make changes if needed. If they have finished…Great…if not, give them a few more minutes then stop.
- Move on to the next subject, working as above.
- Stop for a Break time with a drink, snack and move around…this can be about 20 minutes, best without any screentime at this point, that can come later!
- Return to work and follow the same pattern until lunchtime. Well done, you’ve made it through the morning, now Relax!
Remember, it’s not a Race!!
Regular breaks are important for your child’s learning.
Get up, move around and stretch… also drink plenty of fluids as dehydration can impair concentration.