Welcome back

We are really looking forward to welcoming all our children back into school on Monday 8th March 2021. We are also very pleased to welcome Mrs De Scossa back from her maternity leave.

We appreciate that some children and parents may feel anxious about the return to school, but we would like to reassure you that all our health and safety procedures are still in place, to ensure that our school is as safe as possible.

You may find it useful to talk to your child/children about these procedures over the weekend. Below are some useful links that might also alleviate some anxieties or fears.

Childline: https://www.childline.org.uk/info-advice/school-college-and-work/school-college/school/

Place2Be: https://www.place2be.org.uk/our-services/services-for-schools/mental-health-resources-for-schools/return-to-school-resources/

NSPCC https://www.nspcc.org.uk/keeping-children-safe/away-from-home/at-school/#cornavirus

Our Pastoral Team, Mrs De Scossa and Mrs Hetherington, will be in school to support all children and families.

They can be contacted via the office, the learning mentor email – learningmentor@uva.clf.uk – or catch them on the gate.

Welcome back