Term 3 Week 6

Friday 14th February
Week 6 We’ve finally made it to the half way point of the year. It’s been a really busy term and the children have squeezed in a lot of learning. They’ve worked hard right until th end and deserve a chance to relax and enjoy a break. This week the

Term 3 – Week 5

Friday 7th February
Week 5 Another great week in Year 5/6.  The Year 6s completed all of their practice SAT papers and proved that they are making strong progress in all areas.  Completing old papers really works and the children’s confidence is growing all the time.  It’s all really good preparation for secondary

Week 4

Friday 31st January
Week 4 Well done to all our Year 6s for completing a few more practice SAT papers this week.  They did really well with the arithmetic, reading and SPaG papers from a few years ago and we’ll try the maths reasoning papers next week. ———————————————————————————————————————————————- Date for the diary –

Term 3 Week 3

Friday 24th January
Week 3 This week the children have had a lovely mix of activities and it seems amazing that we’re already half way through the term. As computer scientists, we were learning about and creating vector pictures on Microsoft Powerpoint.,       As linguist, we drew and labelled a

Term 3 Week 2

Friday 17th January
Week 2 We’ve had another good week in Year 5/6 and have been able to celebrate some great achievements. As writers, the children have worked hard preparing to write a speech as a character from our book, ‘Floodland’.  We explored features of persuasive writing and thought about some of the

Term 3 Week 1

Friday 10th January
Week 1 It was great to welcome the children back on Tuesday and hope everyone had a good break and a chance to recharge. We were impressed with how well the children got back into learning routines. We have enjoyed starting our new line of enquiry, which is called

Term 2 Week 7

Friday 20th December
Week 7 We’ve finally made it!  It’s been two long terms and the children thoroughly deserve this two week break. The whole 5/6 team wish them, and everyone, a Merry Christmas and best wishes for the new year. We really kept the children going during this final week and they

Term 2 Week 6

Friday 13th December
 Week 6 As we approach the end of Term 2, the 5/6 children have been doing some great learning.  We also had the pleasure of performing to parents and showing off just a little of what we have been learning about ancient Egypt.  Thank you to all the parent who

Term 2 Week 5

Friday 6th December
Week 5 As we finish week 5 of this term, Christmas is fast approaching and Year 5/6 are beginning to get into the spirit.  The advent calendars are being opened, the classrooms are decorated and we’ve been practicing the carols we look forward to sharing at the start

Term 2 Week 4

Friday 29th November
Term 2, Week 4 The learning has continued with earnest this week, with the children diving deep into all areas of the curriculum. As mathematicians, we have been exploring fractions.  In the Year 6 group, this involved building our confidence converting between mixed numbers and improper fractions. On Friday we