Term Two Week 6

Wednesday 8th December
The penultimate week of term and we have been busy, again, in years 5 and 6. In the ICT suite, we have been refecting on our  enquiry question from this term ‘Have we made the world a better place?’ and sharing all the knowledge we have learnt whist being geographers.

Term Two Week 5

Wednesday 1st December
Week 5 and it’s packed full of learning and experiences for children in Y5 and Y6. Many of us have been learning how to be safe on our bikes and have enjoyed sessions led by the bikebaility experts. Our christmas postbox has cuased much excitement as our Y6 prefects now

Term Two Week 4

Thursday 25th November
Another week in Year 5 and Year 6 has seen us continuing to be geographers as part of our enquiry questions (Have we made the world a better place?) as we researched facts and figures about the countried most affected by climate .   As part of No

Term Two Week 3

Friday 19th November
It’s been Anti-bullying Week across the country and across our academy. We started off the week in odd socks celebrating hoow it’s good to be different and have had class discussion as well as Ke Stage assembly around the theme of ‘One Kind Word’. As part of our enquiry aboout

Term Two Week 2

Thursday 11th November
Week Two over the term and we have been really busy…again! We started the week talking about books and this time is was about non-fiction books, answering the question ‘What fact have you learnt from an information book’?Looking at descriptive writing this week, we learnt to use a thesaurus effectively

Term Two Week 1

Thursday 4th November
After our half-term break, it has been wonderful to welcome everyone back into school this week. We started off our Monday with our weekly ‘Let’s talk books’ question which encrouaged us to think about our favourite book cover and explain why. We have also thoroughly enjoyed starting to read

Term one Week 6

Thursday 14th October
In order to promote our love of reading in Y5/Y6, we are looking at a question a week which inspires us to think about the books we read. This week we had to think of a character from a book that we would like to be and explain why. Here

Term One Week 5

Wednesday 6th October
A very autumnal week weather-wise in Y5 and Y6 this week! We have loved being historians and using photographs of ancient ruins to discover what a settlement would have been like in The Stone Age. We then presented our findings to the rest of the class. In RE,

Term One |Week 4

Friday 1st October
We have experience another joy-filled learning week in Y5 and Y6. Our work continues with discussing the word settlement as historians and what that meant for people in the Stone Age. As scientists, we explored the process of photosynthesis and how to sequence what happens for plants to make their

Term One Week 3

Friday 24th September
We had a fabulous start to our week with a visit from Weston Museum which enabled us to immerse ourselves in The Stone Age: we were able to look at historical artefacts, learn facts about prehistoric animals and have a go at cave painting by carving our own piece of