Term Three Week 7

Thursday 17th February
The last week of Term Three and we have been working hard across all three Year 5 and Year6 classes. We would like to remind you that you can access our virtual library to enjoy reading a range of books written by inspirational authors. Click on the link below to

Term Three Week 6

Thursday 10th February
It has been Children’s mental health week this week and we have taken part in many activities encouraging us to think about looking after our mental health and well-being. We have watched interviews of celebrities who have shared their life experiences of what helps them to grow and then thought

Term Three Week 5

Thursday 3rd February
We have loved being scientists this week and carrying out investigations to see which substances dissolve in water and which don’t. It really is great to be using our enquiry and qustioning skills while carrying out practical experiments. We identified what we had to be like to be an effective

Term Three Week 4

Thursday 27th January
This week has seen us taking pride in our work and producing our current best pieces of writing to celebrate by displaying in our classrooms. As always we started our week by talking about reading and book and here are some of the responses to this week’s question:

Term Three Week 3

Thursday 20th January
Following our whole school assembly this week, we have been thinking about the word courage and how we need to experience some fear in order to show courage. Mrs Hodder shared this book with us all to demonstrate how we can show courage. Showing courage and speaking with clarity

Term Three Week 2

Thursday 13th January
It has been a focussed, hard-working full week back in school for Years 5 and 6. Having identified what we want to know about the Roman Era, we were historians this week and explored the concept of power, empire and conquer in creating a timeline of the main events of

Term Three Week 1

Wednesday 5th January
Happy New Year! It has been wonderful to welcome Year 5 and Year 6 children back to school this week and we have settled into school life really well after the Christmas break. We are being historians this term and are investigating the big enquiry qustion “How did the Romans

Term Two Week 7

Thursday 16th December
Happy Christmas! We have completed our second term of the year and it has been a fun-packed week for Year 5 and Year 6.  Some of us have enjoyed showing teamwork in festively decorating our classrooms. To conclude our enquiry this term on ‘Have we made the world

Term Two Week 6

Wednesday 8th December
The penultimate week of term and we have been busy, again, in years 5 and 6. In the ICT suite, we have been refecting on our  enquiry question from this term ‘Have we made the world a better place?’ and sharing all the knowledge we have learnt whist being geographers.

Term Two Week 5

Wednesday 1st December
Week 5 and it’s packed full of learning and experiences for children in Y5 and Y6. Many of us have been learning how to be safe on our bikes and have enjoyed sessions led by the bikebaility experts. Our christmas postbox has cuased much excitement as our Y6 prefects now