Term 6 Week 2

Thursday 17th June
  It was National Picnic Week this week and as our Y6 council crew leaders led our weekly meetings safely across the school, children were invited to share what their favourite picnic food items were. We have missed Unicorn class this week but were able to do council crew successfully

Term 6 Week 1

Sunday 6th June
Welcome back to our summer term and the last one of this academic year! We have enjoyed a wonderful and warm first week back: we have started reading our new quality text entitled ‘Persephone and Demeter’ and looked at how to use figurative devices to describe The Underworld; we have

Term 5 Week 5

Tuesday 25th May
What an amazing week Y6 had at Charterhouse! We loved walking, team challenges, going on the low ropes, gorge scrambling, archery and a wonderful camp fire!

Term 5 Week 4

Thursday 13th May
We have enjoyed another action-packed week of learning in y5 and Y6 topped off with our challenge of taking part in CLF’S Big Run/Walk challenge on Friday in which we saw all classes try to complete as many laps of our outdoor tracks as possible within an allotted time. It

Term 5 Week 3

Thursday 6th May
We hope you enjoyed the long bank holiday weekend! It has been a busy four days in school since then. On Tuesday, Y5 children had an amazing opportunity to experience playing samba drums with expert, Anne Clough, from North Somerset Music Service. They learnt to play in time with each

Term 5 Week 2

Thursday 29th April
It has been brilliant to see so many of you take part in our Big Pedal Challenge this week and have tried to choose alternatives to using a car to get to school. We have enjoyed seeing you ride to school safely on bikes and scooters as well as walking.

Term 5 Week 1

Monday 19th April
Welcome back to school! Hopefully, you were able to enjoy the sunshine and lessening of restrictions over the Easter holidays. It has been wonderful to have our Y5 and Y6 children return this week: we enjoyed having a check-in to find out what we had all been up to over

Term 4 Week 6

Thursday 1st April
What a fun and action-packed final week of the term it has been! We have finished our project “How does our world rage?” and enjoyed making our presentations of understanding which are ready for you to view on this link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkV1AVPYnncaSjaLkacLBPA   On Wednesday, we loved

Term 4 Week 5

Friday 26th March
It really has felt like spring this week in school with daffodils, blossom and sunshine around us!   This week in Years 5 and 6, we have loved taking part in the inter-house challenge trying our best to jump as far as we could landing on two feet and without

Term 4 Week 4

Friday 19th March
Year 5 and Year 6  have enjoyed another busy week in school. Embracing our whole-school challenge of completing active minutes daily (not including PE lessons), we have been running around the outdoor track in the sunshine and using GoNoodle activities to wake ourselves up in between lessons as well as