Term 1 Week 1

Wednesday 11th September
It’s lovely to have everyone back! A great first week in Year 5/6.  The new Year 5s have settled really well into their new classes and been supported well by the new Year 6 children. We have already started the split Year 5 and Year 6 maths groups which will

Term Six Week 7

Monday 15th July
The last full week of term and we have been busy amongst the rain and sunshine. As mathematicians, Year 5 and 6 children enjoyed the challenge of creating symmetrical designs with different types of triangles and trapezium shapes. And as musicians, they took on the challenge of composing

Term Six Week 6

Wednesday 10th July
This week has seen our brilliant Y5 and Y6 children perform their production of Rock Bottom – and what superstars they were! From the singing to the dancing, from the acting to the jokes and from their commitment and enthusiasm, everyone shone and had smiles on their faces throughout!

Term six Week 5

Wednesday 3rd July
The first week of July and the weather has made it feel like spring and not summer! All the Year 5s and 6s have been continuing to practise hard on our production of Rock Bottom which we are looking forward to performing to you next Tuesday (9th July 6:30pm) and

Term Six Week 3

Tuesday 18th June
At last, the sunshine has been out and it has felt a bit more like summer this week which was perfect for our orienteering sessions which we really enjoyed on Tuesday. We had to work together in small groups to locate the photographs which had been placed around the school

Term Six Week 2

Thursday 13th June
It has been a busy week (again!) in school with rehearsals for our Y5/Y6 production well underway! As Uphill citizens, our Y6 learners continue to lead weekly council crew sessions with a range of younger children from across the academy. This week’s focus was discussing the question ‘ Why should

Term Six Week 1

Thursday 6th June
It has been wonderful to welcome all the Year 5 and Year 6 children back to school after the half term break ready for the summer term – and for many, their final term at primary school. We are continuing with our geography enquiry about ‘Have we made the world

Term Five Week 6

Wednesday 22nd May
The weather hasn’t made its mind up this week so we have adjusted our learning experiences accordingly! With the Year 6s away on residential camp at Charterhouse for the week,  Year 5 children have been enjoying a week as historians by studying our local history – with a focus on

Term Five Week 5

Thursday 16th May
This week has certainly been busy and the Year 6s have shown fantastic determination and commitment in their SATs – well done to all of them! As mathematicians, Y5 have enjoyed exploring 3D shapes and used a range of apparatus to investigate the properties of the shapes they created.

Term Five Week 4

Thursday 9th May
The summer sunshine seems to have arrived at last and it has been great at break and lunchtimes to be outside enjoying the field and the warmth! Our outdoor PE sessions have seen us practising and developing our tennis skills: While some of us have been focussing on our