Term Three Week 5

Monday 30th January
As we say goodbye to January and welcome February this week, we have been working hard in Years 5 and 6 on our enquiry question ‘How does the world rage?’. This week, we learnt about the causes of earthquakes and volcanoes: Following that, as geographers, we carried out

Term Three Week 4

Monday 23rd January
How exciting that this week sees us taking part in The Big Schools Birdwatch (organised by the RSPB)! To help us with our birdwatching skills and knowledge, we welcomed Mark Matthews into school to talk to the whole of KS2 about how to use binoculars effectively and what birds we

Term Three Week 3

Monday 16th January
Everyone is expecting colder temperatures so let’s make sure we wrap up warm this week. Working hard as mathematicians, Y5 children have been developing their maths talking skills each lesson. They use sentence stems confidently to structure how they explain their mathematical thinking. Each lesson, the children work

Term Three Week 2

Tuesday 10th January
It has certainly been a busy first full week back with many children from Years 5 and 6 going to Birmingham on Tuesday to take part in the Young Voices singing celebration and with Adele from Reveal Projects carrying out workshops in the three classes discussing emotions and feelings around

Term Three Week 1

Monday 2nd January
Welcome to 2023 and we are so looking forward to welcoming you back into school and embark on the next term of learning. Straightaway, we have began our next enquiry which is entitled ‘How does our world rage?’. As geographers, we will be finding out about natural disasters (earthquakes, volcanoes

Term Two Week 7

Monday 12th December
The final week of term has arrived and we want to thank you for all your support these first two terms – the time really has flown by and we have shown positive attitudes towards our learning.   As linguists, we have reached the final stage in our journey of

Term Two Week 6

Tuesday 6th December
The penultimate week of the term and indeed of 2022 in school and it has been packed full or learning as well as embracing the Christmas spirit. As citizens, Y5/Y6 children read the book ‘Rose Blanche’ by Christophe Galaz which told the story of a young girl who lived during

Term Two Week 5

Monday 28th November
This week has seen Y5 and Y6 children developing their oracy skills – in particular, those needed for discussion because we held debates in all three classes to discuss whether space tourism should be encouraged or not? We used sentence stems too give us the confidence to articulate our points

Term Two Week 4

Tuesday 22nd November
What an autumnal week it has been weather-wise and we have survived the rainy lunch and break times! As historians, Y5 and Y6 have been learning about The Space Race which ended in the moon landing in 1969.  That was definitely a day to remember when the eagle landed! !

Term Two Week 3

Monday 14th November
November is certainly flying by and this week is busy in school with Odd Socks Day on Monday to launch national anti-bullying week (to celebrate each of us being unique) as well as Children in Need Day on Friday. As citizens this week, we have discussed bullying in our PSHE