Term 3 Week 3

Week 3

This week the children have had a lovely mix of activities and it seems amazing that we’re already half way through the term.

As computer scientists, we were learning about and creating vector pictures on Microsoft Powerpoint., Term 3 Week 3     Term 3 Week 3

Term 3 Week 3

As linguist, we drew and labelled a map of France.

Term 3 Week 3

As citizens, the Year 6s led the younger children in a game of ‘Duck Duck, Goose’ during our Council Crew meeting Term 3 Week 3     Term 3 Week 3

We finished the week by taking part in the Great British Birdwatch.   We ‘quietly’ walked around the field, tallying the birds that we saw so Mr Hancock can send our data back to the RSPB.

Term 3 Week 3     Term 3 Week 3