Term 3 Week 6

Week 6

We’ve finally made it to the half way point of the year. It’s been a really busy term and the children have squeezed in a lot of learning. They’ve worked hard right until th end and deserve a chance to relax and enjoy a break.

This week the children were artists when a student art specialist came in to teach them a lesson. They had fun creating individual house scenes and joined them together to make a class street.

Term 3 Week 6    Term 3 Week 6

Tuesday was Safer Internet Day and our Year 6 Online Safety Champions went up in whole school assembly on Monday to introduce the theme for the week, ‘To Good to be True?’ – all about the risks of online scams and how to protect ourselves.

Term 3 Week 6    Term 3 Week 6

As musicians, in Pegasus we enjoyed picking out the beat in ‘What shall we do with the drunken sailor’, and played base notes and chords using chime bells and the keyboard function on Garage Band. In Unicorn, we continued learning the recorder and were really successful picking out notes.

Term 3 Week 6    Term 3 Week 6     Term 3 Week 6